The Inspiration

The Inspiration comes from my family roots, growing liquorice near Nevison’s Leap in Pontefract, Yorkshire , for three generations.

The Family

In the 1930s brothers Joseph and George inherited the farm.

My Great Grandfather Joseph, always worked hard, but his brother George was less diligent. He liked to enjoy life, and although he was married, it’s said that he often entertained other ladies!

Joseph’s wife Ada was a keen church goer. When the vicar came to call, if Joseph had been at the local pub with George, then Ada would have to lock Joseph in the outside WC, to keep him out of sight of the vicar!

My Grandfather Cyril was billeted at Pontefract Barracks, whilst there he met a local girl called Edith (Joseph and Ada’s daughter)

Cyril and Edith were married at All Saints church in Pontefract in April 1922, my Mother Freda was born in October 1922!

The Past & Present

The Past

Joseph ended up working at Dunhill’s liquorice factory in Pontefract. As for George he remained the black sheep of the family.

The Present

Raise a glass of Pontefract Liquorice Gin to two inspirational Yorkshire men.

To Joseph and George…… Bless em

The Future

Pontefract Liquorice Gin has now been passed down to the 4th generation of liquorice lovers.

Inspired by their Great great grandfather Joseph and his wayward brother George, my Nieces and Nephews will take the business forward, securing our family tradition until the next generation are ready to take on Pontefract Liquorice Gin.

It’s champion to see ‘The Nippers’ working together to preserve our heritage for the future. Bless em.

Serving Suggestions

